The shortage of skilled workers in Germany, especially in the healthcare and nursing sector, has dramatically worsened in recent years. An issue that was once primarily discussed in professional circles has now become a significant economic and political problem. While recruiting foreign professionals offers a solution to this shortage, it also presents a challenge, as good language skills are required in addition to professional qualifications. These skills often need to be acquired under time constraints.
Although existing methods of language learning are proven and relatively efficient, practical language skills often do not reach the required level. Furthermore, the capacities of language schools have reached their limits. To achieve initial positive results, significant investments in the form of more funds, new teachers, and equipped facilities are necessary. This underscores the lack of flexibility and scalability in traditional language learning methods, a problem particularly evident in the context of the shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare sector.
Our solution aims to close this gap in an innovative and efficient manner.
DR FLEMP is a prototype of an AI (Artificial Intelligence) supported VR (Virtual Reality) application for language training of medical professionals. With this application, professional language can be learned and necessary soft skills developed in an immersive environment. The integrated AI-driven communication tool can be easily and quickly adapted to various learning objectives. To use the app, only a headset and the software are required. This approach enables an immersive learning experience that is cost-effective and scalable in the long term.
Would you like to know more?
To conclude our two-year project “DR FLEMP – Digital Reality in Foreign Language Education for Medical Professionals”, co-financed under the European Erasmus+ Program, we cordially invite you to the presentation of our project and research results.
At this event, we will discuss the challenges in training the language skills of medical professionals without sufficient knowledge of German, report on the latest technological developments in language learning, and present the main results of the two-year collaboration of our international partnership within the DR FLEMP project.
The highlight of the day will be the DR FLEMP VR-based application, available for everyone to try out. Please come and see for yourself.
The partners of the multinational project are:
- SPRACHiNVEST GmbH – Germany
- Cyprus University of Technology (Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou) – Cyprus
- Utena University of Applied Sciences (Utenos kolegija) – Lithuania
- Umea University (Umea Universitet) – Sweden
- International Agency for Marketing and Technology Transfer GmbH
The project is initiated and coordinated by the International Academy for Management and Technology (INTAMT) e.V. from Düsseldorf.
Participation is free of charge, but pre-registration is required. The preliminary program of the event is available under the red button below. Online participation is possible.