Methodology and Recommendations on development of Mixed Reality applications in foreign language education for medical professionals

This document presents a comprehensive overview of the general guidelines and best practices that have been formulated for the development of effective Mixed Reality (MR) based learning applications. The primary focus is on developing a state-of-the-art methodology and recommendations (M&R) to cater specifically to Foreign Language Education in healthcare professions, ensuring the successful development of MR applications in this context. The document is broken down into two main blocks: initially we identify and select educational content suitable for conversion into MR format for Foreign Language Education (FLE) in healthcare. This task is undertaken through different tasks that include the definition of the vision of the DR FLEMP MR application, the development of user stories, the alignment of the curricula of all partners in the area of healthcare and the implementation of design thinking workshops in all partner countries.  The second component involves the development of a methodology that is based on existing design-based approaches and involves adaptation of existing design and development frameworks and allows for productive collaboration for stakeholders with different backgrounds and expertise. This document is a shorter version of the report “PR1: DR FLEMP Guidelines: Methodology and Recommendations on development of Mixed Reality applications for foreign language education for nursing in caretaking”. For the full report follow the link here.


DR FLEMP Conference – Outcomes

DR FLEMP Conference – Outcomes

We finally did it!

The DRFLEMP Conference “Modern Tech against Workforce Shortages” was successfully conducted last Thursday. More than 50 participants joined us both online and offline. They were introduced to the trends in the healthcare system of Europe, and particularly in Germany. We presented our digital solution to the problem: the DR FLEMP App, which has been developed in collaboration with partners from 5 countries within the framework of an EU-funded project. Our partners shared their inputs and expertise. INTAMT provided insights into its plans to scale up the project results on a commercial basis.

Now, we are ready to wrap up the project outcomes. We express our gratitude to the partners with whom we’ve come this long way since 2021. We hope we can collaborate on other ambitious and exciting projects together in the future. 

We continue our work on the app’s prototype and are committed to transforming it into an effective tool for accelerated foreign language training of medical professionals.

We are looking for potential partners to join us in a pilot project to upgrade DR FLEMP, making it in line with the current standards of medical training applied in Germany. If you represent one of those institutions and want to try new teaching methods for your personnel training, we are eager to provide you with our support.

5th Transnational Project Meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany

5th Transnational Project Meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany

On February 21st, the INTAMT Academy in Düsseldorf hosted the 5th and final Transnational Meeting of the DR FLEMP Project partnership. Our foreign colleagues from Lithuania and Cyprus came to discuss the project outcomes and to address the pending tasks that need to be completed before the outputs are published. The partners from SPRACHiNVEST Language School also participated in the event. Together with our colleagues from the Cyprus University of Technology and Utena University of Applied Sciences, they were responsible for the methodology of the project and FLE-related tasks throughout the project implementation.

Umea University provided their developers, who became the leading force within the project in terms of the digital implementation of the concepts developed by the Research & Didactics Group. INTAMT, as the coordinating partner and co-leading institution for Application development, has worked very hard to keep the project on the right track.

At the meeting, we reviewed the current build of the DR FLEMP App and discussed options for its upgrade to meet the highest standards of FL training in the medical profession.

A significant component of the DR FLEMP Project will be the Training Course. It’s designed to combine theory and practice in order to provide teachers, developers, and all others interested in exploring the world of MR-based language training. The Course will be available in April 2024 on one of the popular interactive learning platforms.

Didacta 2024 meets DR FLEMP

Didacta 2024 meets DR FLEMP

The DR FLEMP has been presented at Didacta Messe 2024, the largest exhibition of educational products in Germany. We were proud to be invited to such a prestigious event. It was an excellent opportunity to draw significant attention to our project and the problems it aims to solve.

The presentation was conducted by Yuri Nikitin, CEO of INTAMT – International Academy of Management and Technology.

We hope that the end of the DR FLEMP project marks the beginning of a remarkable journey. That’s why we’ve created XRMEDU, a brand new ecosystem of digital XR-based and AI-supported educational products for medicine. We are committed to developing this ecosystem over the coming years.

DR FLEMP’s key feature is the built-in AI-driven communication tool that enables a life-like experience and variability in learning situations. You can change the characteristics of your patient to make the exercise more challenging or adapt the scenario to your specific needs.

DR FLEMP Conference – Modern Tech against workforce shortages

DR FLEMP Conference – Modern Tech against workforce shortages

The shortage of skilled workers in Germany, especially in the healthcare and nursing sector, has dramatically worsened in recent years. An issue that was once primarily discussed in professional circles has now become a significant economic and political problem. While recruiting foreign professionals offers a solution to this shortage, it also presents a challenge, as good language skills are required in addition to professional qualifications. These skills often need to be acquired under time constraints.

Although existing methods of language learning are proven and relatively efficient, practical language skills often do not reach the required level. Furthermore, the capacities of language schools have reached their limits. To achieve initial positive results, significant investments in the form of more funds, new teachers, and equipped facilities are necessary. This underscores the lack of flexibility and scalability in traditional language learning methods, a problem particularly evident in the context of the shortage of skilled workers in the healthcare sector.

Our solution aims to close this gap in an innovative and efficient manner.

DR FLEMP is a prototype of an AI (Artificial Intelligence) supported VR (Virtual Reality) application for language training of medical professionals. With this application, professional language can be learned and necessary soft skills developed in an immersive environment. The integrated AI-driven communication tool can be easily and quickly adapted to various learning objectives. To use the app, only a headset and the software are required. This approach enables an immersive learning experience that is cost-effective and scalable in the long term.

Would you like to know more?

To conclude our two-year project “DR FLEMP – Digital Reality in Foreign Language Education for Medical Professionals”, co-financed under the European Erasmus+ Program, we cordially invite you to the presentation of our project and research results.

At this event, we will discuss the challenges in training the language skills of medical professionals without sufficient knowledge of German, report on the latest technological developments in language learning, and present the main results of the two-year collaboration of our international partnership within the DR FLEMP project.

The highlight of the day will be the DR FLEMP VR-based application, available for everyone to try out. Please come and see for yourself. 

The partners of the multinational project are: 

  • SPRACHiNVEST GmbH – Germany 
  • Cyprus University of Technology (Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou) – Cyprus 
  • Utena University of Applied Sciences (Utenos kolegija) – Lithuania 
  • Umea University (Umea Universitet) – Sweden 
  • International Agency for Marketing and Technology Transfer GmbH 

The project is initiated and coordinated by the International Academy for Management and Technology (INTAMT) e.V. from Düsseldorf.

Participation is free of charge, but pre-registration is required. The preliminary program of the event is available under the red button below. Online participation is possible.

DR FLEMP at “didacta – Bildungsmesse 2024”

DR FLEMP at “didacta – Bildungsmesse 2024”

On February 20th, we are glad to invite you to join us at didacta2024 in Cologne. The results of the DR FLEMP project will be showcased at 13:15 CET at the Forum for Vocational Education (Forum Berufliche Bildung / myQ-Qualifizierung) (Halle 6, B48/C49).

The presentation will be conducted in German by the CEO of INTAMT e.V., Mr. Yuri Nikitin. Admission is free if you have a ticket to the exhibition. 

Together with partners from Germany (SPRACHiNVEST), Sweden (Umea University), Cyprus (The Interaction Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology), and Lithuania (Utena University of Applied Sciences), we have been working on DR FLEMP for the past two years.

Now, the project is in its final stage. We are finalising all the outputs, including solid methodology and desk research conducted by the partners in 2022-2023. We have also developed the DR FLEMP VR-App for Foreign Language Education for medical professionals. The current MVP contains two immersive scenarios to practice language and gain soft skills for medical students.

The DR FLEMP App is VR-simulation-based and AI-driven, ensuring a higher variability of interactions one might get involved in. Its flexible module structure can be adapted to learning objectives quickly and seamlessly.

Please, save the date! If you find yourself at DIDACTA 2024 that day, please do not miss the chance to get to know DR FLEMP. You are always welcome at our event. 

Pic.: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH

“Didacta – die Bildungsmesse” is the largest trade fair for teachers from all education sectors within Europe and the most important continuing education event for the sector. More than 800 exhibitors from more than 50 countries present their range of products in Cologne from the following segments: pre-school education and primary schools, schools and universities, new technologies, training and qualification, ministries, institutions and organizations.